Feasting in the Kingdom of YaHVaH

This Feast at the Lake in the mountains uses more Scripture and goes as deep as long-ago Feasts.
Remember the “high-spirited times” when the Feast of Tabernacles and Passover were fresh in our Scripture adventures. The expectation and surprises in those days would out-shine later days. The Scriptures, the sites, smells and trails were all new. On the McKenzie River, we bathed in the old-fashioned rustic atmosphere. Friendship would be compared to the nice fellowship of the Fifties camp meetings.
Today we seek a message spoken or written concerning the Feasts preparing, and the heavenly time to come in the kingdom of YaHVaH.
The praises go up and the splendor comes down.
Here presently, we never have bland boring lectures, rambunctious people or awful music. We are considered a “Messianic holiness Pentecostal assembly” the theme is always being on-fire for YaHOSHA Messiah.

The end of the summer season with the Feasts and autumn, the summer horses having been taken to the valley, we wander on colorful trails into the Diamond Wilderness, Washington, Deschutes or other horizon. We are actually longing for fresh new places to land, or a Scripture balanced and based group who keep the Feasts with no variation from the Mosaic-Apostolic moedim.

I have located another great potential Feast of Passover, Pentecost, Tabernacles site. It is at the bottom of a great 8,777 foot mountain. Except for the large supper hall/praise place, it is very rustic and spaces for Sukkoth tents, RV’s, pergola, porch, gazebo, marquee or pavilion. . has five A-Frame cabins with attics.
If enough believers want to attend in the Cascades the Feasts, I will look into it. (Send your Email and message about your desire to keep the Feasts).

Shalom Great Britain or UK, Southern Africa, Brazil, Portugal and Vietnam. Sisters and brothers, it is time for all of us to become serious minded about getting YaHVaH’s moedim appointed times. His Feasts are not going to go away ever. Trouble is at our doorstep. Daily we hear much tribulation is occurring. But YaHVaH told us we would endure. Additionally myriads of Scripture tell us the same theme: Chazak! Standup and be strong. I can do ALL things through YaHOSHA Messiah which strengthens.

Taking only two days off for these Feasts may not be going far enough. Let us pull out the spiritual power from Him, jump-in with both feet, and join those of us going up year to year to keep the set-apart times and appointments.
We must simply walk by not only the letter, but also especially the Ruach ha Kadosh. It is our Turning Point in this generation of luke-warmness. Walk in fear during the Feast. What? Read below **

Do not always wait for someone else to lead the pilgrimage. Take the train, the bus, rickshaw, outrigger, outback canoe, camel back, elephant, Llama, Lorie, climbing gear, cruise ship, ice breaker, catamaran , DC3, Gondola, Trolley car, hot-air balloon, SUV, snowmobile, motorcycle, Skateboard, Mt. Bike or tricycle to the wonderful Feast Days of YaHVaH. Shalom my friends! Auf Veidersein, Keo Sketai (Japanese “take it easy”). Thank you.

Yes! In other words, be cautious and do not drop your guard. Back in real life, we have to be ready to engage our enemy. If you repent only once, you cannot put on the spiritual armor of YaHVaH.  Read Ephesians 6:8 to 18.
We cannot use the Sword of the Spirit, the loins girt about with TRUTH if we deny the Word of YaHVaH.
Beware you do not inadvertently fall into sin: Inordinate lust, theft (of any kind), compromise with various and sundry creeds.

This is a really good time to study the Torah.

In Luke 23:39> we often hear "the thief on the cross". He trusted in Messiah so he no longer was the thief on the cross.  He repented: "Dost not thou fear YaHVaH..YaH, remember me when Thou comest into Thy kingdom." Messiah said unto him, "Verily I say unto you today, 'Shalt thou be with Me in Paradise'".
The robber was no longer the old man, he had put on the new man but was only a former thief.  Otherwise, Galatians and the Revelation say "A little leaven leavens the whole lump." 

And the blessings, instructions, friendship, rest will carry-over with us even after the Feasts.  Now we are spiritually equipped to tackle the world.
We pray you will find a fellowship where there is The Spirit and Truth, or if it isn't going anywhere, you might not waste your life and time there.

NehemiYah 8:18 “Also day by day, from the first day unto the last day, he read in the book of the law of Elohim (or YaH). And they kept the feast seven days; and on the eighth day was a solemn assembly, according unto the manner.”
Remember this day on which YaHOSHA Messiah was borne Tishri 15.the first High Day of Tabernacles.
One place the Sabbath and Feasts will not be kept:  HELL

Leaders, teachers and pastors, remember, no one is infallible. 

Shalom; Good by!  

The ministry of www.YaHVaHnotYahweh.com 

WHAT IS A “FEELING of conviction?” and how does it differ from guilt and other feelings. “I FEEL LED TO DO …..” Is this an impression, an intuition, reckon, a hunch, best guess, prediction or what?
Should we not simply seek the Word of YaHVaH for spiritual answers or direction?

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