Learning Scripture : YAHVAH YAHWEH
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Learning Scripture

by TsephanYah Eber on 11/23/24

Jews for Yeshua.com  Thank you for the quick blog on
Jews for Ieaseus.  How I love some of their songs, even
mentioning "Yeshua, ha Mashiach, the hope of Yisrael.."
But that was forty-three years ago.  Where is the Biblical
adherence to the Torah and the Prophets?  Or, is it 
imperative to remind the Jews to just ignore Scriptural 
adherence or concern about their soul and salvation?
Me not sorry, but to try to convert a serious-minded Hebrew 
or Hebrewes with the fluffy dogma of Christ-mass-Ishtar (or 
Roman New Year trumping YaH's true New Year) is preposterous. 
A naive Christian pastor who leans heavily on the law (except 
Sabbaths and Idolotry) has my sympathy. And may YaH grant 

them mercy, and unmerited favor as they unlearn dogma 

and grow in knowledge of all the beautiful gift of the Torah. 

 May the Western Church repent of our lightness and ignorance 
willful or not.  Wake up Church, you ARE a part of Yisrael 
and you, the bride, need to grow in love for the Scriptural 
Commmandments of our loving bride-groom Yeshua ha Mashiach.
reading the Great Book from Genesis to The Revelation 
multiple times is commendable.  To STUDY books of the 
Scripture in proper priority, and comparing line upon line the 
doctrines (teachings) is very effective, with little help 
from commentaries by Christian or Rabinical authorities.
Now, let us open the Word, beginning with the Law and the 
Hebrews 8:10 How can the renewed Covenant only 
address Abraham's Covenant? There is Much more can we learn 
in the Torah HOW TO love and obey YaHVaH.

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