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Japan, Alaska Navy CT
Welcome, Kumbanwa, Konichiwa,  Ohio Guzymuss
While stationed in Japan, near Tsuruma Yokohama, I travelled throughout Nagano perfecture. I was a sailor.
Mount Fuji from Hakone National Park Ashinoko on right.

The Japanese, their land, fascinating language, culture and contraptions were enjoyed. Give Thanksgiving always.
My American Naval comrades from the fifty-two states made life interesting.  They enhanced my life.
Some guys would give tours to the bars, some to Tokyo, the Ginza, Hiyama Beach or Yokohama. They explained the train system and the language.
I will never live a more colorful life on this earth. I was searching for female Tomadachi Josan, Thanks to all of you for your friendship, prayers and thoughts.

The Naval life on Adak Alaska was very enjoyable,  While reading the CT website, people stationed on Adak from the 1940's to the present all say the same, "I hated the rock.  I wished I could go back!"  It was the comaradarie.

The good times I remember, other than being on watch, or goin' to the bar, were hiking Mount Adagdak {where we found a wrecked fighter plane} and having a hamburger and beer day at Lake Andrews or Finger Bay.  I also enjoyed our 
Section two quonset hut where we had two great parties.

I volunteered at the local radio station, AFRS, and you can hear the shows on Weber.
      (New Comments occasionally.)
​RenewTouring Japan with Web            Narration 42 minutes
        Japan, Alaska and Navy MP3    Narration 36 minutes

Nice:  Adak ComSta 1967 Bedtime Story           51 minutes

Japan 1968.  The nurses from the sheep's pen took me out to Onioshidashi near Mt. Asama and Karuizawa. It was summer and mild.  Of course, that's my story.
Me and the beauties at Himeji Castle.
On Right, below, Kyoto golden pagoda, Middle Right are beautiful mountain josan (girls).
Cha Cha Cha!  It's time to skate at Hakone!
Left above: S.S. New Jersey; Steve, Kevin, Jerry
Rt. Nippon Locomotive at Hachiochi Eki

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Left Below Oniochidashi summer and winter.  Steve and tour guide girl.  2) Jerry in some snow.
Rt: Iida City in the Japanese Alps, Central Japan. Tom Dibble/Dibs, Jerry Bash, Kevin Hachey
This is the Statue of Liberty at Oniochidashi; instead of a torch, she is often holding the bag.

Please let me know if these snapshots are good for you. Is everything dijobe (ok) ?  Thanks. TsephanYah

Japanese railroad map from the 1960's.                              Sayonara, CT 2 Stephen

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Japan - #1 Pictures (more)
  CT's at Okutama Autobah Fishing Area, NW of              Tokyo. Dale at Okutama Parking Lot.
Love and Marriage Click Here
To mend broken hearts and families, and sort of make up for some of the bad-dude in us.


One of the stupidest things the world has done is destroy good men, women and children.
The humans who destoyed people around the globe and the World Trade Center in New York City in 911 must repent.  The Father above can forgive, but He can also burn their buns, so to speak, in the Lake of Fire.

One of the friendliest, greatest men on earth whom the world destroyed was Gary Duscharme or Ducharme. Japan 1968.  He was a fun person and very helpful.  He died that hundreds or thousands of men, women and children of all creeds could be free of communism.  I will post a small picture of one of our wild parties, where Gary was present.  He was not roudy, but very proper.  Gary nevertheless made us all feel like he loved us.  Blessings to all good humans, regardless of your race, who would have made a big difference to us earthlings, but sadly their lives were taken away.  There goes a loving man, woman or child who would have helped even their adversary in emergencies or otherwise.  
May our Father bless and protect the remainder of the best people on the planet.

Many years ago I worked as an agricultural person for Yosh Hasuike.  Yoshio was a strong man, his wife feminine but austere.  Yosh built an American motorcycle for me.  Then he tore the old radiator out of my 1956 Chevolet and installed a new one.
Other relatives owned the berry farms also, including Jim and Mitziko Hasuike.  Sons Allen, Arthur and Danny drove the John Deere two-piston farm tractors.  Allen, of Yosh and Satch, could drive the heck out of any tractor I've ever seen.  We were berry good workers.  The young men toiled in the hot 90 degree sun hoeing rows of vegetables.

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