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MP3 Audio:
Foods for Believers  -                      57 min

What to look for in buying foods.  This does not address every item in the home or tent, such as soap, shampoo, paper towels, make-up and lipstick or everything that a person puts on his or her body or eats or drinks.

Foods Clean Unclean A            50 min

Foods Clean B                         50 min

Foods Clean C Watch Out                50 min

FASTING English webpage


What is the True Gospel ? (Evangel)  In this broadcast, we will hear what it is not, and what it is.
Please come back later.  I hope to put an outline here.  Shalom, TsephanYah  Thanks for Joining Us.
Drop a message: TsephanYah at YaHVaHYahweh.Name

Leaders Helping Leaders             19 min
  (Skip Ahead of Health-part if necessary.)

Romans 14 - Vegetarian or Meat Analogy-   Pastors, Please share this Link with others.  Ignore and delete the religious picture at the top of "Jews"; We do not want to break the Second Commandment. Deuteronomy 4.

Consuming Natural food, beverage while abstaining from junk foods and sugars will do much to maintain a healthy body. Despite some powerful drugs which fight diseases, taking stuff that looks appetizing will counteract the intended good from a world of good medicine. 
I watched my perfectly healthy wife go downhill. Even though she turned to the medical world for assistance, she ate herself into the grave (Yes! even chocolates.)
The oncologist office had a perfectly good secretary who partook of the daily dessert offerings, and before long, she joined the chemotherapy patients getting treatment. You might be shocked to know that they were welcome to the glazed donuts, maple bars (drool!) and sugar donuts. This is like taking a pill to get well, then taking another product to make you sick.
In Church, we see and hear the prayer requests for healing. Simultaneously the same ones we pray for are often living it up at the banquets.
It is not always easy to pass-up the meat (all kinds) and milk (all varieties). Some call themselves vegan or vegetarian; and surprising they are often quite well, strong and have a quick mind.

You might be inspired to improve by listening to these Scriptures and lectures on healthy lifestyles. We are not medical professionals. Most of our knowledge of health comes by common sense and observing what works, and what ruins our body and mind. Bless you as you meditate on YaHVaH’s Word and a careful mature healthy outlook on living. You are a creation of YaHVaH and He loves the poor in spirit and those who do hunger and thirst after righteousness, they shall be filled. –Tav

Hosea 9:5-9 “What will you do in the solemn day, and in the “Day of the Feast of YaHVaH”? For, lo, they are gone because of destruction: Egypt shall gather them up, Memphis (Moph) shall bury them: the pleasant places for their silver, nettles shall possess them: thorns shall be in their tabernacles. The days of visitation are come..”

If we do not repent of our national sins of immorality war and destruction can visit us in the United States. Some elections in U.S. were driven by immorality. The result of this vicious cycle is bondage with wars and disease, adding more immorality, spiritually, physically, politically to our civil human structure. Further bondage will occur. No band-air-fix put over the festering spiritual wound will cure our moral and economic problems. Let the Ruach ha Kadosh, the Spirit inspire us to LOVE Him.

Hosea (HoseYah) 11:12 “Ephraim (who represents most of us in modern times) compasses me about with lies, and the House of Israel with deceit: but YAHUDA yet ruleth with YaHVaH and is faithful with ‘the saints’.”  
​Let us pray for all believers who are afflicted by an opponent. On Day of Atonement we intercede in prayer for the people, government, religious and military people of Yisrael.  

2) Before and during great sickness it is good to FAST, with prayer. And at the LEAST, a liquid fast (liquids only) beginning at around 6pm. You should sleep well and be refreshed. If doing a 24 hour FAST, make the next meal supper at evening, or just wait until breakfast for a real blessing. If any question, ask your health care provider (if they believe in the Scriptures).
To avoid plagues, abstain from contaminated and Scripturally forbidden meats such as pork, pepperoni but also filthy infested chicken and turkey. Strive to cut-out all kinds of bacon, (turkey bacon also). To repeat: Fasting is good for your soul and spirit. Keep a well-balanced diet of fruits, vegetables and if possible, fish.  SICK?
 Ask YaHOSHA Messiah to heal you if you become sick, James 5:14-15. He promises to heal you, make you whole, Matthew 9:20-22.
(6) Maintain a truly joyful spirit. This can only be done by producing the fruits of the Pure Spirit, Galatians 5:22-23, living by every word of the Eternal, 
Matthew 4:4. See also Proverbs 17:22, 14:30, 4:20-22.
37) Be an active person. This means a lot of physical work, which may include exercise and sports when possible.
Proverbs 6:6-11, 10:4-5, 12:11, 20:13, 19:15, 14:23, and I Timothy 4:7-8.
(4) Obtain proper sleep and rest. Exodus 20:8-11 is a health law as well as a spiritual law.
He gives His beloved sleep, Psalms 4:8, 127:1-2, Ecclesiastes 5:12.
(5) Eat food grown in good soil organically. Try to obtain or grow your own high-quality food.
Luke 13:6-9, Proverbs 28:19, Deuteronomy 14:22-23, and many other statutes of the Eternal show that Biblical laws are based on YaHVaH's ideal, agricultural, society. In today's industrial age, it is difficult to get into harmony with the Eternal's ways, but we ought to do the best we can, with His help.
(10) Keep your body clean, and fast occasionally, for both spiritual and physical health. Isaiah 52:11, II Corinthians 7:1, and I John 3:3 refer both to physical and spiritual cleanliness.
Cleanliness is indeed next to YaHVaHliness. Fasting is a way to cleanse your body internally, Isaiah 58:6-8.
Balm of Gilead (which can be obtained today) is a digestive cleanser, Jeremiah 8:22.
Bathing in running water is a Scriptural prescription for cleanliness, Leviticus 15:13, II Kings 5:10.GROW with the Scriptures. GROW with Messiah.

