The English word “GOD from “COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE” 

 “Come out of her (Babylon) MY people and touch not the unclean”. We pray this will be of assistance in determining the truth and Pure Name of our Creator is not “God” but YaHVaH. The purpose of this treatise on “GOD” is not to criticize those who used the title “God”. We will learn from the Scriptures, Hebrew and Greek.

Exodus 3:14-16 When Moshe asked YHVH His Name, He said “And God (Hebrew #430 Elohim) said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: Thou shalt say unto the children of the Hebrews ‘I AM THAT I AM’…(LORD H3068 YAHVAH; God H430) YHVH Mighty-One of your fathers.” Most versions disguise YaHVaH’s Name with title “Lord”. In “The Scriptures” and in Torah manuscripts you should see the four letters YHVH. Vs. 16 “Go and gather the Hebrew elders together, and say unto them ‘YHVH of your fathers, the Mighty One of Abraham, of Isaac and of Jacob appeared unto me..” The Tetragrammaton in proper Antioch Hebrew scrolls spells YHVH, pronounced YaHVaH (ee-Yah' Vah).

Jeremiah 23:26-27 "How long shall this be in the heart of the prophets that prophesy lies? ...Which think to CAUSE MY PEOPLE TO FORGET MY their fathers have forgotten my name for Ba’al."

Strongs Concordance: "LORD". #1167 “Lord” (English) for bA'AL; A MASTER; HUSBAND, OWNER, LORD". #1168 "BA'AL, A PHOENICIAN DEITY".

Baal H1168 ba’al bah’al
The same as H1167; Baal, a Phoenician deity:—Baal, [plural] Baalim. 

Hoshea 2:16-17 "And it shall be at that day, says YaHVaH, thou shalt call me Ishi (my Husband) and shalt call me no more BAALI (my Lord). For I will take away the names of Baalim (Lords) out of her mouth and they shall no more be remembered by their name." Baal or Lord was the name of the god of pagan Babylon. See the book “Come out of Her My People” by C.J. Koster. Click over to for some teaching.

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​15. GAD – GOD,GUD see Page 62 "Come out of her My people"

A prophecy for the end-time is given in Isa. 65:11 wherein our Mighty One warns of the apostasy of His people, “But you are those who forsake Yahúweh … who prepare a table for Gad, and who furnish a drink offering for Meni.” – Revised Authorised Version. All commentators agree that Gad is a pagan deity, and so is Meni. Gad is usually interpreted as the well-known Syrian or Canaanite deity of “Good Luck” or “Fortune”, and Meni the deity of “Destiny”. This Gad is written in the Hebrew as GD, but the Massoretes afterwards vowel – pointed it, adding an “a”, to five us “Gad”. 
However, we find other references in Scripture to a similar deity, if not the same one, also spelt GD in the Hebrew text but this time vowel – pointed to read “Gawd” or “God”, in Jos. 11:17, 12:7, 13:5, where we find: “Baal-Gawd” or “Baal-God”, according to the vowel – pointed Massoretic Hebrew text. This Baal – Gawd or Baal – God was obviously a place named after their diety.
The astrologers identified Gad with Jupiter, the Sky-deity or the Sun-deity. Other sources of research also testify of “Gad” being the Sun-deity. Rev. Alexander Hislop wrote, “There is reason to believe that Gad refers to the Sun-god … The name Gad … is applicable to Nimrod, whose general character was that of a Sun-god … Thus then, if Gad was the ‘Sun divinity’, Meni was very naturally regarded as ‘The Lord Moon.’ “pg 160 Keil and Delitzsch, Commentaries on the Old Testament, comments on Isa. 65:11, “There can be no doubt, therefore, that Gad, the god of good fortune, … is Baal (Bel) as the god of good fortune. … this is the deified planet Jupiter … Gad is Jupiter … Mene is Dea Luna … Rosenmuller very properly traces back the Scriptural rendering to this Egyptian view, according to which Gad is the sun-god, and Meni the lunar goddess as the power of fate.” 
Isa. 65:11 tells us than that Yahúweh ‘s/YaHVaH's people have forsaken Him and in the end-time are found to be serving Gad, the Sun-deity of “Good Luck”, and Meni, the Moon-deity of “Destiny”.
The word "God" (or god), like the Greek Theos (or theos) is used in our versions as a title, a generic name, usually. It translates the Hebrew The Mighty One/El and Eloah to God
Matthew_1:23  Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God/YaH with us. Greek #2316 “of uncertain affinity; theos:.{It should have been Elohim or Eloah}

However, in quite a few places it is used as a name whenever it is used as a substitute for the Tetragrammaton, the Name of our Father, e.g. Matthew 4:4 etc. If the word God is then used as a substitute for the Name, it must be accepted that the word God has become a name again. How and when did this title or name become adopted into our modern languages? Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th edition, says, “GOD – the common Teutonic word for a personal object of religious worship … applied to all those superhuman beings of the heathen mythologies. 
The word ‘god’ on the conversion of the Teutonic races to Christianity was adopted as the name of the one Supreme Being ….” Webster’s Twentieth Century Dictionary, Unabridged, 1st edition, says, “The word is common to Teutonic tongues … It was applied to heathen deities and later, when the Teutonic peoples were converted to Christianity, the word was elevated to the Christian sense.” (then later)
J.G.R. Forlong, Encyclopedia of Religions, on “God”, says, “It is remarkable that philologists are unable to decide the origin of this familiar Teutonic word.” Once again, we are strongly suspicious of the rulers of darkness or the Prince of Darkness, having succeeded, once again, in hiding yet another work of darkness. There is much confusion in the European languages between the words gud (good) and god. The Scandinavian languages, like the old Anglo-Saxon, called god gud and called gud (good) god. Calling good god and god gud is bad enough to confuse us. Even worse is that the Old Nether lands languages regarded god as an idol and gud as the correct deity!

Why Christ and not “Messiah” or Anointed One?

Prof. Julius Wellhausen, who in all his works expressed his hatred towards Pharisaical Judaism, nevertheless wrote the following bold words, “Jesus … was a Jew. he proclaimed no new faith, but He taught that the Will of God must be done. The Will of God stands for Him, as for the Jews, in eh Law, and in the other holy Scriptures that are classed with it.”200 Yahushúa could not have been known as Christos amongst His people. His title was known as Mashiach in Hebrew, and Mesiha in Aramaic – to those who accepted Him as such, Matt. 16:16, John 6:69 etc. This title is easily transliterated as “Messiah”, and is generally accepted, and has been accepted, just like the Greek Messias. Why then have they not persisted with it? Even if they wanted to translate it, why have they not translated it as “Anointed”, as was done in the English translation of the King James Version’s Old Testament?

The word AMEN “Come out of her My People” section 6 on page 45

Funk and Wagnalls, Standard College Dictionary, describes it, “AMEN: In Egyptian mythology, the god of life and procreation … later identified with the Sun-god as the supreme deity, and called ‘Amen-Ra’.” James Bonwick, Egyptian Belief and Modern Thought, repeatedly and frankly calls the Sun-deity of Egypt by its correct name: AMEN. He states on pp. 123-125, “AMEN … is in a sense, the chief deity of Egypt – supreme divinity. Whatever else he be, he must be accepted as the sun … the hidden god, the solar aspect is clear … there is the disk of the sun … the sun Amen … His identification with Baal … establishes him as a solar deity ….” 

Smith’s Bible Dictionary expresses AMEN as, “an Egyptian divinity … He was worshipped … as Amen-Ra, or ‘Amen the Sun’.” Herodotos recorded for us how the Greeks identified their Zeus with Amen-Ra.113
Yahushúa calls Himself “the Amein” in Rev. 3:14. Substituting a title or name of Yahushúa with the name o of the great hidden Sky-deity or the great Sun-deity of the Egyptians, Amen, is inconceivable! The difference is subtle, but it is there. 
By ending our prayers “Amen” instead of “Amein”, one could very well ask: Have we been misled to invoke the name of the Egyptian Sun-deity at the end of our prayers?
-But worse is still to come.

Section 11 Page 50
Paganism was mixed with the Messianic Faith “Christianizing” pagan practices, emblems and even pagan deities.
Rev. Hislop states that our Messiah “began to be popularly called ICHTHYS for ICHTHUSI, that is ‘the Fish’, manifestly to identify Him with Dagon.”122 Dagon was the Fish-deity. Augustine, the celebrated church Father, rather childishly, gave his reason for doing this, “If you combine the initial letters of the five Greek words, which are Iesous Chreistos Theou Uios Soter, Jesus Christ the Son of god the Saviour, they make the word ichthus, meaning fish, and the mystic meaning of this noun is Christ, because he had power to exist alive, that is, without sin, in the bottomless pit of our mortal life, as in the depths of the sea.”123 But Tertullian was even more frank in his blasphemous identification of our Messiah with a fish, by calling Him, “our Fish” . Tertullian wrote, “But we, little fishes, are born in water according to our Fish (Ichthus), Jesus Christ.”124 Why were these Church Fathers so keen to identify Yahushúa with a fish? In The Two Babylons, pp. 252 and 270, we read, “that Ichthus, or the Fish, was one of the names of Bacchus.” Bacchus was just on the name for Tammuz,125 the Sun-deity. the adoration or veneration of the fish emblem is clearly and emphatically forbidden in Deut. 4:15-19;
“Only in a few localities, notably in Crete, does any form of the name of Zeus survive, but the god still lives under the title Theos (‘God’), a title so conveniently equivocal that the Christian can use it without heresy and at the same time square perfectly with the ancient pagan belief.” What a clear testimony of religious syncretism! Our Mighty One, or His Son, is called Theos, and so is Zeus called Theos. What does it matter? Just this: the words Theos and Zeus are derived from the Sky-deity or the Sun-deity, and therefore unacceptable to our Mighty One. Any form of Sun-worship, or any derivative of Sun-worship which has been adopted into Pure Worship, has been designated by Him to be a “wicked abomination”, Eze. 8:9.

Section 12. GLORY
..Thus, the ecclesiastical symbolic meaning of the word “glory”, being that of radiance or emanation of light as from the sun, is totally un-Scriptural. It is strong evidence of the Church’s solarisation of our Messiah and of His Father. The Church identified Elohim with the Sun deity, which was the prevailing deity of the Roman emperors, the Roman capital and its empire. However, not only does the concept of “glory” stem from Sun-worship, but we also find proof of “glory” (gloria) as having been a Roman goddess, discovered in the form of an icon personified by a woman, the upper part of her body almost naked, holding a circle on which are the zodiac signs. Pauly-Wissowa also defines Gloria as a personification of fame, the word being found very frequently on the coins of Constantine and his successors. Besides the frequent occurrence of the word Gloria on the coins, the image of this goddess is found on two coins, one of Constantius II and one of Constantine II.
We should therefore eliminate the word “glory” from our religious vocabulary for three reasons:
1) We have been commanded in Exodus. 23:13 to “Make no mention of the names of other mighty ones, nor let it be heard from your mouth”—especially in our worship, applying these names to the One we love, and His Son. See or click on this for more information.

Also click on our articles such as “YHVH” or articles about the Messiah’s Name. Thank you. From the website www.YaHVaHnotYahweh.Com  

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