​Messiah said in John_5:25 Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when 
the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of YaH: and they that hear shall live.

On WWW.YaHVaHYaHWeH.Name website

Free audio download Victory Over Sickness MP3        60 minutes
Free audio download Asleep in Messiah MP3              61 minutes
Health and Healing, page on this website
Vegetable Tips

Let us not fear the last enemy:  Death.
Read 1 Corinthians 15 for hope of eternal life through Messiah.

Romans 6:5 We shall be like Him in His death and resurrection.

Matthew 23:23 Judgment, mercy and Faith are the qualities we pursue.
John 11:11 Lazarus slept and Lazarus is asleep.
John 4:10 YaHOSHA gives us the free gift of Living Water, the essential of life.

Romans 13:11 And that knowing the time, that now it is high time to AWAKE our of sleep, for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.  The night is far spent, the day is at hand:  Let us therefore cast off the works of darkness and let us put on the armour of light. Read to end.
Romans 14:17 We need Righteousness, Peace and Joy in the Spirit.

IsaiYah 5:20-21 We need not to make provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof...more, read on.

Revelation 21:4, No more tears, crying, nor pain in eternity.

Act 2:34 For David is not ascended into the heavens.
1Kings 2:10 So David slept with his fathers, and was buried in the city of David.

                                        VICTORY OVER SICKNESS

​PENNY WAS saved by YaHOSHA Messiah. She drove an ambulance as an EMT intermediate 13 years and helped out. She did however save many more lives when she was the counselor helping unwed mothers. in 1974, Penny became active for YahVaH, the Father of all. She counseled teen girls at Right to Life and Birth-rite for 13 years! In fact, she perhaps saved fifty unborn children. We loved Penny and her memory very much.

After being diagnosed with Cancer, my wife Penny and I prayed for healing In the Messiah’s separated Name; at the same time tapered-into somewhat of a healthy diet. The results became obvious. Penny’s health and immune system grew strong. 
She was victorious over cancer sickness for two years.

Penny did receive Gamma Knife radiation which skillfully burnt tiny tumors in her head.  She had a little general radiation and lost her hair for a few weeks.  My late spouse also went on a chemotherapy schedule at the oncologist.  This made her sick and was very destructive.  After six sessions we were wise enough to cancel the drug.  It was futile to on the one hand, EAT anything we wanted, and on the other hand, a “quick fix” by taking lethal drugs to kill the cancer (and the patient) and then die from eating junk foods and the chemicals.
She had an active lifestyle which included some hiking. The summer of 2011 we stayed at Odell Lake for Shavout and we hiked up Odell Butte. She climbed the Lawler and Mount June trails.  I rejoiced in the new strength she gained from a better choice of foods.

We ordered health products from including Anamu and European Green Clay for light cleansing of toxins including the pharmaceuticals; she took a few Essi Caps for cancer-fighting power.  We drank fresh carrot, apple, celery juice.

Penny conquered the cancer problem for two years until 2011 when she changed her diet drastically. Regardless of the motivation, Penny cheated on the health diet. Within hours she lost mental and physical energy.  Junk food and sugar had reactivated her tumors and she now is "asleep in Messiah".

In our early marriage, our custom was eating cardboard. Yes! We ate pizza right out of an old cardboard box, only 88 cents, and then Penny began getting cysts under her arms. That later developed into breast cancer. We could have cared less about a nutritious meal.

1 Peter 2:21-25 “Messiah, Who His own self bare our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: By Whose stripes ye were healed.”
Matthew 8:5-17 “..that were possessed with devils, and He cast out the spirits with His Word, and healed all that were sick:
That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by IsaiYah the prophet, saying, "Himself took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses.’”
IsaiYah 53 Demonstrating what YaHOSHA Messiah did for repentant sinners..

Proverbs_28:9 “One who turns his ear from hearing Torah—even his prayer is an abomination”. ​ Do not forget that "The Gospel" includes REPENTANCE.

JeremiYah 11:14 As for you, you are not to pray for this people or lift up supplication or prayer for them, for I will not hear them at the time they cry to out to Me because of their disaster.”
​Psalms 15:1-5 shows the person whose prayers are heard and who will be in YaHVaH’s Kingdom. YaHVaH looks to the man who is humble, and fears to mishandle His word,
Isaiah 66:2. YaHVaH looks for people to serve Him.
YaHVaH is the Father's Name in Hebrew from Yod Hay Vav Hay, the four letters.


There is such a stigma with false information about cancer.  Some friends recommend eating anything we CRAVE!!  Others are understandably cautious what enters their bodies.
IF we just ate anything we craved, there may no end to what we might grab and put into our mouth.  The results can be lethal.  We are not free to grab anything out there (french fries, fast foods) and consume it.
With tumors presently pending, we must abstain from most harmful sugar products.

Proverbs 23:21 Let us not overeat as a glutton nor drink to excesses.
1 Corinthians 6 On Overeating 
Deuteronomy 21:20 A gluttonous son was stoned to death.
We should not overeat for it is sin. Refrain from dangerous foods, over the counter drugs, GMO’s and other products.

We are eating ourselves into the grave far too early.
If we have an unabated, unrestrained appetite, it will take us to the grave prematurely. We may not need more protein, we do not need more drugs (pharmakia of all kinds).
“WHERE’S THE BEEF?” What do you mean Beef?  I do not want to eat a sick steer.
Why not ask “WHERE’S the Vegetable JUICES?”

We ought to eat some oatmeal for breakfast.  Add natural fruit juices, not re-constituted.
On an empty tummy, let us drink fresh juice of blueberries, strawberries, berries, cantaloupe, sweet potatoes, ginger root, apples to name the best. Do not mix vegetables with fruit, except for apples or you might get an upset tummy.

Surround yourself with plenty of good uplifting people, light and sunshine, an hour or more of exercise, little or no carnal radio, TV, media, and try to get to bed by 9:30 p.m. if at all feasible.

When the Government changes clocks twice a year, I leave most of my twelve clocks on Daylight Savings Time for as long as I can.  This helps me gain an hour. Personal choice

We have only one life to live, but many opportunities.

Sickness Recovery 10 Tips and Things:
1. Trust in YaHVaH and His Messiah YaHOSHA (commonly called God, Jesus, etc.) We need to GROW in the Faith (not just be “comfortable”). As we learn how to love Him, some of the pressure and stress is taken off. And truly if you believe in a resurrection, there is hope. Or choose vanity and futility.
2. An attitude of gratitude. A) Thankfulness B) No grudges or being vendicative (unless you are a person in authority who must judge).
3. Benevolence – Help others, be discerning and discrete.
4. Living foods (not box and canned dead-stuff) when possible. Juice four or five carrots and drink soon. Top foods are Organic celery juice, apple cantaloupe, Blueberries and sweet potatoes. We juice them too.
5. Regular exercise (you can’t quit with high school P.E.) one hour per day.
6. Eight to ten glasses of pure water; that’s two liters for patients.
7. Sunlight 10-15 minimum daily. Two hours would be nice.
8. Fresh air; leave the window open a crack at night also.
Don’t stay in a couped-up room with no real live air. Use Mountain fresh if available.
9. Temperence – No harmful substances: MSG, sugar, GMO’s, cigarette smoking, chemicals.
10. 9:30 pm bedtime. Few exceptions. Proper rest and no stress. 

Juice with a professional juicer if possible for efficiency like Champion.  Try second-hand stores. A good Champion juicer (horizontal) or better.  Basket type juicers are ok for most except w/wheat, grass, lettuce.  Use caution with those because the basket spins at 3000 times per minute.
Try to not mix fruit with vegetable juice; apples mix with both.

No drinks half-hour before or one hour after juicing.
Chew food thoroughly. 
No snacking.  Very seriously watch any products, canned, boxed, drinks or raw sugar.  If you have tumors, you may crave sugar; but that’s what the tumors like.  Home Nutritionists recommend no more than 5-7 grams of sugar per serving.  If you have twice that you are playing with life.
How about a nice bowl of soup?  A Jalapeno pepper will wake you up.
Dr. Lorraine specifies two liters, that’s eight full glasses of water per day.  WWW.DrDay.Com this woman was on her deathbed but she and 10,000’s are healthy today because they weaned off of the cow.
CHEW your food and let the natural juices work.  That’s why we need to stop snacking, and let the tummy send healthy things to the rest of our body.
We cannot afford to go on a quick binge and “fool around” with what enters our bodies.  If you HAVE to eat meat, try some salmon or trout.  We may get away with eating a little chicken, but it is not best for your health.  Chicken is bad enough!  No seafood or pork. Fish may help your health.
Even raising your own CLEAN animals TO EAT  will not bypass the problem.  It is an improvement.  Notice your body begins to shun the dairy and meat, and desire the vegetables. If you are not yet hungry, wait until you are.

Two years of the psychotropic drugs and tumors caused my Penny to be confused.
She consumed junk food and the sugar, and her tumors loved it.  They did not reward her but destroyed her body.
We can learn from the past mistakes.  Penny would want us all to help others with the good news of Deliverance and Salvation from YaHOSHA Messiah.  She would also want us to show others how to be healthy, and to refrain from eating junk foods, drinking coffee, stimulatants and pharmakia or psychotropic drugs.
The Hebraic internment service was very inspiring with Hezekiah officiating.  He can really minister for marriages, funerals and Feasts.

I had a double hernia surgery and was out hiking the next day up the hill.  The surgeon used the laproscopic method.  I used pain pills for two days but I did not need them.
Now I have a total hip replacement using anterior (front side of leg) surgery.  I did not take any pain drugs which helped me to heal faster.  I did not need any drugs.
After a few days I hiked a mile.  One week I hiked a 500 foot cliff.  I went biking after a week. Two weeks I walked four miles; was I tired!  After a month I hiked four miles and mowed the lawn and repeated it the following day.   I was able to drive a car as soon as I could walk because I was not on drugs.  Then after two months I hiked TEN miles.  After five months from surgery I skied down some easy green runs (not in the grass though). I skied downhill at major ski resorts.  Six years later I still felt some soreness.  I hike, bike and ski. After ten years, I am doing quite well and hike twenty-five miles per week.

There is more to life than going through the motions, and winding-up with a few awards.
Let our rewards and treasures mainly be stored in heaven, where moth, rust and undesirables cannot take them away.  Let us give our life in thanksgiving to YaHVaH the Father in heaven.  Magnify His only begotten Son, YaHOSHA. Let us attend the congregation of YaHVaH’s choice. Praise to Him through the life we now live.  
Shalom for now, TsephanYaH Eber
This article is not the final word; it is not meant to give ultimate medical advice.  I am not a doctor.  Any tips that you might have please share them through an Email.Email to TsephanYaH at YahVaHYahweh.Name
Email to TsephanYaH at YahVaHYahweh.Name in Windows Outlook Express
​or fill out Email form below then click Return button.

LINKS TO ASSIST WITH HEALTHY LIVING   Includes “call the nutritionist nurse” for advice.  A very powerful source for your health.

www.Cancertruth.Net Nutrition Action Newsletter
It is Written with John Bradshaw: Preventing Cognitive Decline – Memory Makeover. 
90% of Alzheimer’s can be reversed. 


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